In God’s Field… Rats Are The Problem
Not your typical way of starting out a newspaper article is it?
But, an article Guardian UK on-line this past weekend not only talked about rats but went on to give an outstanding description of the work being done by Care of Creation Kenya.
Another excerpt from the article says:
But for Sorley, 41, who discovered his calling after being diagnosed with a potentially fatal brain tumour two decades ago, global warming, environmental degradation and food and water shortages are some of the greatest threats to mankind today, particularly in the developing world. An easy-going, mild-mannered man who signs off his emails with “Blessings”, Sorley becomes exasperated when trying to explain his church’s reluctance to recognise the urgent need to protect God’s creation.
“The deeply embedded view is that Christ is returning soon, so why should we care for the environment? Well, what if I had a child with leukaemia and I said to my wife, ‘We don’t need to give him food because he’s going to die anyway’? Man, it’s the same thing!”
In Kenya, where Sorley has chosen to test his pioneering mission work, it is clear that the natural resources are dying. A fast-growing population is putting huge pressure on both wildlife and the land.
A link to the entire article, written by Xan Rice of the Gardian UK, is available here. The full URL is:
All in all, we think that this article is one of the best profiles about the work that Craig, Tracy, Francis and the rest of the Care of Creation Kenya staff is doing. So grab a cup of (Kenyan) tea, grab your computer and prepare for a great read.
And, feel free to forward this e-mail or link on to others who care for God’s creation. If you want to write to Craig directly, he can be reached in Kenya at craig [at]
In His Name, for the entire staff at Care of Creation
Fredric Gluck